Section: Software


Participants : Cyril Bouvier, Paul Zimmermann [contact] .

GMP-ECM is a program to factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method. Its efficiency comes both from the use of the GMP library, and from the implementation of state-of-the-art algorithms. GMP-ECM contains a library (libecm ) in addition to the binary program (ecm ). The binary program is distributed under Gpl , while the library is distributed under Lgpl , to allow its integration into other non-Gpl software. The Magma computational number theory software and the Sage computer algebra system both use libecm .

During his internship of 4 months in 2011, Cyril Bouvier developed a version of ECM for GPUs. The code was written for NVIDIA GPUs using CUDA. First, the code was written for all NVIDIA cards, and later, it was optimized for the newer Fermi cards. As there is no modular arithmetic library (like GMP ) available for GPU, it was necessary to implement a modular arithmetic using array of unsigned integers from scratch, while taking into account constraints of GPU programming. The code was optimized for factoring 1024 bits integers. For now, the code has a throughput roughly four times bigger than GMP-ECM on one core. This code is not yet fully integrated in GMP-ECM but is available in the GMP-ECM svn repository.

The implementation of ECM on GPU uses a different algorithm for scalar multiplication (the binary ladder instead of PRAC) and a different parametrization. This new approch was implemented for CPU in GMP-ECM . It results in a speedup in the execution time of GMP-ECM for finding big factors (more than 20 digits). It will be integrated in the next release of GMP-ECM .